Crime log: Monday August 12, 2024 to Tuesday August 13, 2024


2024-08-13 14:09 PDT

File # 2024-25985

Break and Enter to restaurant File # 2024-25985

Overnight on Tuesday August 13, 2024 the O’Falafel restaurant located at 1588 Boundary Ave was broken into. The front door was smashed by a large rock and entrance gained to the interior. Police found an empty cash box belonging to the business in some bushes behind the restaurant. CCTV camera showed a suspect leaving the business at 5:12 AM carrying a cash box that reportedly held no cash. The suspect was seen wearing a light-colored hoody, dark pants and dark shoes with white laces.

Break and enter to restaurant File # 2024-25979

Just after 5:30 AM on Monday August 12,2024 Smokin Georges restaurant located at 4131 Mostar Road was broken into. A nearby resident heard glass breaking and called police. Police responded and found the front door smashed open. Police spoke with an employee who said nothing of value was taken or missing.

Theft of mountain bike File # 2024-25983

Just after 4 am on Monday August 12, 2024 a mountain bike was stolen from an unlocked basement to a residence on Akenhead Road in Cedar. The owner told police he checked his CCTV camera and saw an unidentified man checking the doors to his vehicles. This person then walked into his backyard and opened his basement door. The suspect stole a black Giant 22 bicycle with serial # G6HA35891. CCTV footage showed a male (face not seen), wearing blue jeans, blue jacket and carrying a blue back pack. The suspect may have left along Akenhead Road.

Online fraud File # 2024-26042

Recently a Nanaimo resident entered into an agreement to buy some clothing on the social media platform called MarketPlace. Once the money was sent to the seller, the recipient stopped responding to messages and the buyer did not receive the item they purchased. Note: Any online purchase has a degree of risk. Before sending cash to someone that you have only met online make sure to review the individuals profile thoroughly and read all customer reviews from previous transactions. Also, if a buyer has few friends or their profile was recently created, these should be red flags for you.

Theft of lawn ornament File # 2024-26039

Sometime in the past week an 80-pound grey turtle lawn ornament was stolen from the front lawn of a home on Devon Place. The owner believes several very large toads or two strong backed teenagers would be required to carry it away. The owner believes it was taken as a prank and hopefully it will most likely show up on a nearby neighbors’ lawn.

Abandoned 911 calls File # 2024-26034

At approximately 2:30 PM on Monday August 12, 2024 Nanaimo RCMP received several abandoned 911 calls. Dispatchers advised the attending officers that the calls were showed as coming from a nearby island. Two officers with the assistance of the Nanaimo Port Authority vessel traveled to the island to investigate the calls. Upon arrival the officers located a summer camp consisting of upwards of fifteen youth, along with several camp leaders. The officers spoke with one of the camp leaders who was visibly upset by the actions of his group. He assured the officers that he and the other camp leaders would not tolerate this behaviour and would make this a teachable moment for the group. The officers then spoke to the youths around the seriousness of making 911 calls. They pointed out their actions prevented dispatchers and police from dealing with other legitimate police calls. They also pointed out that that the Nanaimo Port Authority vessel and crew who transported the officers were tied up due to the actions of the group and were unable to respond to other marine situations.

Released by:

R/Cst Gary O'Brien
Media Relations Officer
Nanaimo RCMP
303 Prideaux St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3
Office: 250-734-5445
Cell: 250-713-0701


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